About Us
ElmeyaSoft Technology Company
The company was established by a distinguished group of computer and information systems engineers with extensive experience in the fields of programming and financial management. The scientific company aims to provide high-quality software with international standards for the financial, commercial and industrial sectors in Egypt and the Arab world. Given our extensive experience in the field of software, the company has taken into account Since the beginning of planning its programs, all of the company's scientific programs should be easy to use and allow for expansion and extension with the increase and expansion of customer needs.
The scientific company also provides technical support services to its customers, as well as providing the necessary equipment such as (computers, point of sale machines, point of sale accessories, ...). The scientific company is always at the service of its customers and harnesses all its energies, capabilities and expertise in the field of financial management and software to provide the best services. This valuable combination of expertise, programs, and tools confirms that by choosing the scientific company, you have invested your money in the right place and that you have achieved the difficult equation in balancing high needs and the planned budget.